EG Antifreeze 50/50 Mix

SKU: N/A Category:

Advanced and unique poly-organic acid technology (OAT) delivers fast-acting, long-lasting protection for automotive cooling systems. Mixed with high-purity water to prevent scale and deposits and keep your engine running clean.

See the Product Data Bulletin for full details.

Outstanding Cooling-System Protection

  • Superior heat transfer
  • Excellent protection against corrosion, freezing and boil-over
  • Virtually eliminates scaling problems
  • Maximum protection in extreme temperatures and operating conditions
  • Long-lasting protection for up to 150,000 miles or 5 years, whichever comes first, in passenger cars and light trucks

AMSOIL Resists Corrosion

In third-party, industry-standard testing, cast-iron and copper plates protected by AMSOIL show virtually no signs of corrosion.HH

AMSOIL Resists Corrosion – In third-party, industry-standard testing, cast-iron and copper plates protected by AMSOIL show virtually no signs of corrosion.

HHBased on results of the ASTM D2570 corrosion test.

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